A graduated student, with this form you can order a certified true copy of your degree certificate/certificate (AOKK) if you do not have a Finnish personal identification code or you do not have Finnish online banking codes. It is possible to order a copy only after you have graduated.
NB Your application will not be dealt with if you haven't paid the handling fee or you haven't done the identification.
NB Regarding the degree certificates, these instructions are for students graduated on 1 August 2008 or thereafter. Students graduated before 1 August 2008, please contact Study Services before making the order and payment.
Students from Haaga Campus that have graduated before year 1998 should be in contact with Study Services at Haaga Campus. It is not possible to order a certified true copy of your degree certificate with this form. Contact information >>
Students graduated from Vallila Campus: Please choose Pasila as Campus of the degree programme on the form.
A student graduated from Haaga-Helia can get one copy of their degree certificate or certificate. Copies will be sent for 50 euros.
The copy of your degree certificate or certificate will be sent to you as regular letter in two weeks to the address you have given on this form, after you have done a successful identification (more information about the identification by e-mail). Haaga-Helia does not take responsibility for the postal delivery. Please note that public holidays and vacation periods may affect delivery times and especially during summer delivery times may be longer.
NB you can also get certified true copies from Digital and Population Data Services Agency. For more information, please visit the web pages: Digital and Population Data Agency
Valmistunut opiskelija: tällä lomakkeella voit tilata oikeaksi todistetun tutkintotodistuskopion tai todistuskopion (AOKK), mikäli sinulla ei ole henkilötunnusta tai suomalaisia verkkopankkitunnuksia. Kopio tutkintotodistuksesta/todistuksesta on mahdollista tilata vasta valmistumisen jälkeen.
Huom. Lomaketta ei käsitellä, jos kuitti puuttuu tai tunnistautumista ei ole tehty.
Huom. Tutkintotodistusten osalta ohjeet koskevat 1.8.2008 tai sen jälkeen valmistuneita. Ennen 1.8.2008 valmistuneiden tulee ennen tilauksen tekemistä ja maksun suorittamista olla yhteydessä opintopalveluihin.
Huom. Haagasta ennen vuotta 1998 valmistuneiden opiskelijoiden tulee olla yhteydessä suoraan Haagan opintopalveluihin (todistuskopioita ei voi tilata tällä lomakkeella). Yhteystietoihin >>
Choose "Continue to send attachments" to continue with the application.
Please attach the receipt of the payment to the application.
Since we do not have your Finnish personal identity code or you do not have Finnish online banking codes, you will receive more information about the identification after you have completed the order.
You will receive an automatic e-mail from the adress no-reply after you have completed the order. Please also check your junk mail. In case you do not receive an e-mail containing information about your order details within couple of hours from saving it or you encounter other problems, please contact Study Services