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We arrange personal guidance sessions on information searching either online or at the library. For quick questions, book a time for Info Express (max. 15 min). We do our best to arrange an Info Express session as quickly as possible. If you need more help with your information searching, book a time for Personal Guidance Session. These longer sessions are suitable, for instance, if you need help with finding suitable source materials for your thesis. You'll get more out of the session, if both you and the information specialist are well prepared for it. Therefore, please specify your information needs as comprehensively as possible. In addition, we offer guidance on using Mendeley reference management program. Guidance sessions are free of charge for haagahelians and Haaga-Helia's alumni. Others are subject to a charge, see our price list. Privacy Policy (pdf) - Personal Data Act (523/99) 10§.
Ohjausajan sopiminen on helpompaa, kun tiedämme minkälaiset ajat ovat sinulle mahdollisia.
Esimerkiksi: Iltapäivät sopivat paremmin, toivoisin aikaa tälle viikolle, päivisin klo 12-13, minulle käy milloin vain, tms.
Otamme sinuun yhteyttä tarkan ajan sopimiseksi.